Ok, so I feel like ranting for a minute. I had second thoughts at first about subjecting all of you lovely readers (yes Jenny, that's you :) to my inner most thoughts, but then decided that it was my blog so I can rant if I want to (just makes you want to start singing doesn't it :).
After taking these pictures today, it came to my attention (for the one millionth time) that I suffer from what's called a "pretty husband". I'm sure most of you don't know what I'm talking about because you're all much prettier than your husbands. And if you DO have sexy husbands, then you're smokin! Now, usually having a gorgeous husband is NO problem for me because I get to look at this lovely man every day and think, "Wow, he really is sexy isn't he...".The problem occurs when I see pictures of myself next to pictures of him. I can then completely relate to what Bella thought about standing next to Edward – that is until she because a sexy vampire :P.
I do understand that I'm really not photogenic, and I try to make myself feel better by thinking that that's not how I really look to other people (Please say that's not how I look to other people!!!). JR makes me feel beautiful, so I must look better than that right?! Then today I look at picture after picture of myself just praying that I can find at least ONE good one, after looking at JR's pictures that look more like head shots for a modeling agency! Some days it's just not fair. Honey, I love you, but you're too pretty for me to take sometimes! I feel like I'm going to have to get plastic surgery in a few years just to keep up!
Ok, end rant. Quoting Mushu from Mulan, "You just gotta learn to let these things go! *sniff*"
Yeah, I'm working on it :).
Hi! I am commenting! Ok, I will first comment on your picture post. LOVE your sweater - I have green eyes and I'm all about making them stand out. Your little girl is so pretty! What a doll...
And about your second post. You MUST be kidding. No lie, when I saw that first picture of you I said OUT LOUD, "Wow, she's so pretty". You really are! You are a perfect compliment to JR. My husband is quite a dish (in my eyes, anyway!) and I often have feelings of inadequacy when standing next to him. He can't take a bad picture, he always looks so handsome, it's so unfair! So, while I sympathize with how you feel, please know that you are beautiful and I know that I'm not the only one who thinks so!
Ah, Kristen. I COMPLETELY understand. Sometimes I wonder if people look at us and think "What in the world is that sexy man doing with the frumpy woman????". Especially now that I have some extra baby weight. *sigh*
Oh, and when I said "I wonder if people look at us", I meant us as in Enoc and I. Not you and I! Just wanted to make sure that was clear. I DO NOT think you are frumpy in the least! You are hot, hot, hot!
Whatever girl - you are HOT! I would pick you over JR anyday. That's why I lived with you for 2 years!
Here's me theory and I think you'll like it: the reason JR always looks good in pictures is because YOU are the one taking the picture. You are a skilled photographer and you can make anyone look great. On the other hand, JR takes the pictures of you and he is a poopy photographer. So it's his fault if you don't look as good. Because you are one HOT TAMALE! Woot woot!
Ha ha, did you like that?
MY theory, not ME theory. Man, I get dumber every day.
I really wish you could see yourself the way I see you. These ladies have all nailed it: YOU'RE GORGEOUS. (can you hear my wannabe Bronx accent slipping through on that one?)
No one will look as good to me as you do. Period.
Kristen!! I know everyone else ahs told you the same thing, but you are crazy girl. You should hear how you're big brother has always bragged on how beautiful his sister is and how she should have been a model. I think you're gorgeous baby!
Whoops! Should have check the grammar! Ha Ha
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