Monday, November 24, 2008

Hair Troubles... Please Help!

Lately I've been pulling my hair up in ponytails (it was pigtails today - yeah, I know I'm too old for that :P) and dreading the days when I actually have to do my hair. I've finally admitted to myself that I hate doing my hair. I use to think I just got tired of the style, but really I think I just hate doing my hair. I was never blessed with the 'able to do hair' gene (poor Cali). Well, since I can't shave it all off I've decided to opt for a new look. I'm excited to get my hair cut again because usually that gives me the motivation to do it when it's something fun and new. Plus, usually I get it cut short enough that I can't pull it back so that forces me to do my hair :). So now I have to decide how to get it done. Especially what color to do my hair. I thought I wanted to go blonde again, but now I'm second guessing that decision. So here's where all you lovely people come it. Please tell me what you like best from the pics below, and how you think I should do my hair. I seriously need all the help I can get!

Here's my most recent hair cut and color. I was blonde with a dark color underneath. I really liked the color and thought I'd want to do it again, but now I'm not so sure. What do you guys think?

Here's me with auburn colored hair. It looks more brown in this pic, but it was really more auburn, so just imagine :). I actually really loved this hair color and wouldn't mind doing it again.

Here's me with dark hair. I don't know if I'd go this dark again, but then again if you guys loved it you just might convince me!

I wanted to post some pics I have of different hairstyles, but I can't. So here's one pic of the hairstyle I want. I'm going to get more bangs which I'm excited about, and I want more of a piecy, chunky haircut. So, hopefully this pic will give you an idea. I'm not doing the same color as her (even though I think it's way cool!) but the cut is about what I want, only I'll go shorter - to just above my shoulders I think. So, tell me what you think.

So there you go. Honestly, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


Debbi said...

I'm sorry to say Kristen, that I think you look fabulous in all three pictures!! You look great with long hair and short hair. If I had to choose a color it would be the lighter one just because it looks fun.

On a side note, I think you should take JR with you and he can get his nice short hair back. But hey what do I know... if you like it then that is all that matters!! :)

I hope all is well with you guys and you enjoy a Fabulous Turkey Dinner!

Shannon said...

I always see you as a blonde. I think more bangs would be good, too. I have quite a bit of bangs right now, and I love it. That hairstyle is way cute, so just do it a little shorter like you said, and you'll be hot!

Emily Shaw said...

I just recently got my hair done in an a-line with a 'stack' style (opposite cut from layers) and I love it! I like your hair short. As far as color goes...hmmm...I like both. I really liked my sis-in-law's when she had brown hair with a FEW streaks of red. :) who knows!

Sharla said...

I can relate! Here I sit in a ponytail. I'm always wanting something different for the same reason as you. It's fun.
I really like the ideas you have. I am such a dummy on color. But, I think that all the pictures look great. I'm used to you with the blonde highlights, so that's what I'd lean toward. But, I'm boring. Don't listen to me. ;)

Anonymous said...

I think that the auburn is absolutely beautiful on you, although I am like Sharla, my hair is constantly in a pony tail and I do not have the hair gene either. My poor children, but I am always wanted to do something with my hair but have never been brave enough but I the style you are talking about and I think anything looks good on you. Good luck and you defiantly have to post on how you like your new due.

Chelsey said...

You look good all the time. I do like the auburn hair color alot.

Jenny said...

Ooh, I love that cut of that girl's hair! Go for it! I am all about chunky layers. I think it makes your hair feel lighter and more managable, too.

I actually vote for the darker hair or for the auburn hair. I think it makes you look sultry...*growls*. And not only that, but if you did more of a solid color, then it doesn't cost as much to do and it doesn't "show" quite as badly when it grows out a little.

That's my two cents. You know how much of a hair expert I am though! I HATE DOING MY HAIR!

Steph said...

Well coming from a professional :)
I would have to say the auburn is the most flattering in my opinion. It goes very nicely with you skin tone. I say go for it and do a more choppy piecy haircut its so fun and when you do style it, it will look that much cuter!!

*Amy* said...

I have to say..I really like your hair in the first picture with the roses! But I know you will look great with whatever you decide. You always do :)

britta said...

By far I like the auburn color the most. It looks the most natural to me. Good Luck! I hate hair ruts!