Monday, December 22, 2008

Good News!!!

Sorry I haven't posted anything for a little while. Christmas time gets so busy, but it's been full of lots of good things :). I have pictures, I just haven't had a chance to post them yet. I do have something that I wanted to post about really quick. I had a follow-up MRI on Saturday to check and see if any cancer was growing back. I was really hopeful that everything was going to be fine. My last MRI from May was clean and I've felt fine since then. Well, I just got the news that there was "no evidence of recurring growth". YEAH!!! This whole process of finding out that I had a cancerous bump behind my ear and going through all the steps to make sure I'm in the clear has been such a testimony builder. It's been a hard year, but such a blessed year as well. Thank you for all your prayers and thoughts on my behalf. It's paying off :). Love you all!!! Merry Christmas!!!


Steph said...

How great is that?? I'm so happy for you! What a relief. What a perfect time to find out now you can relax and have a very Merry Christmas!

Haylee said...

I am so happy for you! What a great Christmas present!!! Have a Merry Christmas!

Jenny said...

YAY, yay, yay! GOod news!

Tiff said...

YAY! I'm so happy for you!