Every year JR and the kids and I spend Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with JR's family. It's always so nice to get to spend so much time with each of our families. On Christmas Eve my Dad puts together a yummy dinner, we have the Christmas story, open some presents, and then head off to Temple Square to see the lights. My family has made it a tradition to see the Temple Square lights on Christmas Eve and I love it! Especially now that I have kids of my own to experience them with. It was such a fun night. Thanks Dad for all your hard work! I took a lot of pictures this week, so even though what I posted seems like a lot, it's nothing compared to what's stashed on my computer!
JR and I with Isaac enjoying a yummy Christmas Eve dinner at my parent's home.

My parents and a few of us kids enjoying dinner. This year's dinner was awesome Dad!
My Dad's Christmas sweatshirt. It's weird, but we love him for it :).
Some of the grandkids listening to my Dad read the Christmas story.
Cali was so excited to get Barbie's from her cousins. Her first Barbies. Thanks Gina and the boys! She loves them :).
My sisters Nicky and Annika with my Mom showing off the "Believe" plates I made for them. Yeah for Super Saturdays!
Posing at the reflecting pool on Temple Square. So cold, but totally worth it :).
Here's us all bundled up by the temple.
Cali and Brianne. Cousins and the best of friends :).
Isaac and Beauen. They were being so cute for the camera :).
Enjoying the beautiful lights. Oh, and just FYI - the hat Isaac is wearing is JR's. Yeah, he's got a big head!
It's hard to tell, but this is in front of the manger scene. I always love hearing the Christmas story by the temple. There's such a wonderful spirit there.
When we got home we had the kids open up their Christmas PJs. They had crashed in the car, but as soon as they knew there was another present to open they perked right up!
Isaac opened his PJs almost all by himself! I think he was practicing for Christmas morning :).
Cali and Isaac in their new PJs. They were pretty excited for Santa to come :).
Isaac looking at the tree. He actually didn't destroy my tree this year! Here he is being extra soft :). And look at that belly! Man I love this kid :).
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun and a great Christmas. The kids make it so much more fun!!!
It looks like you guys had a great Christmas. You know it must be a boy thing Damien also has a big head. Youth hats don't fit him. Cute pictures.
It's not officially Christmas until I see your dad in that sweater. Ahh...memories!
Love the pics - especially the one of you, JR, and Isaac in front of the lights. And the one of the kids in their jammies. CUTE!
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